Saturday, March 25, 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 26, 4:00 p.m.
Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244
St. Matthew Passion
Bach’s largest vocal work, the St. Matthew Passion is monumental in scale and packed with drama as soloists, two choirs, and two orchestras bring the words of Matthew’s gospel to life. Bach is a master storyteller, building tension in the narrative, and knowing when to step back and change the pace with new melodies, new meters, deeper emotions, and infinite invention. Intimate arias and familiar, reflective chorales speak to the heart of the Christian faith, that Christ died for us and for our salvation.
Sunday, March 26 performance is livestreamed at 4:00 p.m. Back-up link (Use this one in the unlikely event that the main link is not working).
Presented in concert with intermission
Admission is free; a free-will offering will be received
Bach Cantata Vespers Chorus and Orchestra
in collaboration with Chicago Choral Artists
Grace Cantor Michael D. Costello, conducting
Derek Chester, tenor (Evangelist)
Keven Keys, baritone (Jesus)
Maura Janton Cock, soprano
Karen Brunssen, mezzo soprano
Sarah Ponder, mezzo soprano
Ryan Townsend Strand, tenor
Douglas Anderson, baritone
Pre-concert lecture by Carl Grapentine in the Sanctuary one hour prior to each performance.